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Verkäufer: Mini Statues

Bearbrick X Pushead Mehrfarbig – Bearbrick-Statue


Farbe: Blau mit Sockel
Größe: 80 cm + Basis 19 cm
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Delivery Information
Wir stellen vor: die mehrfarbige X-Pushead-Bearbrick-Statue von GraffitiWallArts Ornament . Dieses exquisite Sammlerstück vereint Kunstfertigkeit und Verspieltheit und ist somit ein Muss für Bearbrick-Enthusiasten und Kunstliebhaber gleichermaßen. Diese mehrfarbige Statue ist in verschiedenen Größen erhältlich, darunter Blau (80 cm, 100 cm), Grün (80 cm, 100 cm) und Pink (80 cm, 100 cm) sowie Pink Blue (80 cm, 100 cm). jeder Raum. Mit ihrem einzigartigen Design und ihrer sorgfältigen Handwerkskunst sticht diese Bearbrick-Statue hervor und wird zum Herzstück jeder Sammlung. Wählen Sie zwischen Base A und Base B, um Ihre Anzeige noch weiter zu personalisieren. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Kunst mit der X Pushead Multi Color Bearbrick Statue.

What happens after you place your Order?

  • Once an order is placed your payment takes 2 to 3 days to clear.
  • Once payment is cleared Order goes under production which takes 7 to 10 working days for the statue to be produced.
  • Once production is complete your order is collected by the shipping company which would take up to 22 working days to deliver your Sculpture, Due to teh large size of the sculpture we use dellivery via shipping company as its packed in a wooden cage for its secure delivery and you also get a tracking link to track the status of delivery. Our deliveries vary depending upon the product type, only sculptures take this much time all other items are 5 to 7 days delivery after production is complete.

How can you see your parcel status when with courier?
Once an order is collected by the courier we update courier tracking number on your order and an instant email goes to your email address you provided at the time of your order. We always recommend adding your phone number when placing an order as this way couriers can send you tracking updates and also they can call you prior to delivery in some cases.

Proof of Delivery?
Once an order is delivered it will show teh status on the tracking link we provided and within 1 working day of the order delivered to you there is a proof of delivery document attached on the courier website for your parcel acknowledgement.

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